Mumbai: TV anchor, satirist and comedian, Cyrus Broacha has now added one more feather to his cap and has turned RJ for a new FM station called Redtro 106.Chaar.

Having debuted on Mumbai's air-waves in June, the station's team decided to celebrate the launch with the signing on of Cyrus as an RJ for 'Cyrusnaama' - a show that combines the spirit of 1990s and the flavour of today.

Of his new role, Cyrus told IANS: "It's a great concept. Basically, they wanted the old music and the old DJs to come back. The idea is to go back to that era. We are hoping to recreate the space that's not there... Which is music from a certain era, and going back to those times."

Redtro 106.Chaar combines a generous helping of super-hit retro music from the 1990s, along with a dollop of engaging programming.