Superstar Salman Khan's sibling Arpita Khan has thanked ace fashion designer Manish Malhotra for designing her three-month-old son Ahil's outfit for politician Baba Siddique's Iftaar party. Salman Khan's nephew Ahil Sharma was the center of attraction in Baba Siddique's 'Iftaar' Bash. This was also the first time, little Ahil made his first public appearance.

Arpita shared a photograph oh Ahil in a white pyjama and blue kurta.

"Ahil's first Iftaar party, thank you Manish Malhotra for the lovely outfit...Your youngest client," she captioned it. Ahil was born in March to Arpita and Aayush Sharma.

She shared another picture:

Also: SEE ADORABLE PICS: Baby Ahil attends Baba Siddique’s ‘Iftaar Party’ with mommy Arpita and Daddy Aayush

Little Ahil looks adorable in blue kurta and a white pyjama. The baby was also the talking point between Salman and Katrina who couldn't keep her eyes off the baby. Ahil Sharma was surrounded by a bunch of family members and other people who wanted to see the baby.