Indian Cricketer Yuvraj Singh's grand wedding with actress Hazel Keech became talk of the town. And now, the cricketer is in the news regarding his biopic. Yuvraj wants actor Akshay Kumar to play his role in the biopic, which he revealed on Neha Dhupia's chat show #NoFilterNeha.
Yuvraj and Hazel on their mehendi ceremony
The 34-year,said on the talk-show that, ”Well I don’t know who relates to me the best but as a Punjabi boy I think Akshay fits in that category.”
Yuvraj Singh and Hazel Keech’s Hindu wedding ceremony in Goa! SEE PICS & VIDEOS!
Even thought, Yuvraj is not very keen on having a film based on his life as he thinks it is very personal, but he didn't disapprove the idea completely as well.
Akshay Kumar
"Biopic is very personal. I am not sure if I would like to go for it…someday when I decide to hang my boots and sit on it, I may(think about it)...not at the moment…", said Yuvraj.
PHOTOS: Yuvraj Singh & Hazel Keech at Mehendi Ceremony; FIRST Pre WEDDING Pictures!
Now, according to a report in a leading daily, Yuvraj's story is all set to be told to the viewers through lenses.
According to Mid Day, "A leading production house has been in talks with Yuvi for a while. An announcement will be made as soon as the newly-weds return from their honeymoon."
The formal announcement is awaited but the filmmaker should seriously consider Akshay's name for the biopic.
Aditya Roy Kapoor
The other actor who Yuvi wouldn’t mind playing him on big screen is Aditya Roy Kapoor.