New Delhi: After Kanika Kapoor another Bollywood celebrity, Purab Kohli defeated the coronavirus and is now fully recovered. A few days ago, the actor had revealed that he and his family were tested positive for coronavirus. The actor wrote a lengthy post describing the state of mind that they were in and the precautionary measures the family took to fight the coronavirus.

Purab has now shared a happy family picture along with wife and kids and thanked everyone for sending their love and wishes.

The ‘Rock On’ actor wrote: "Thank you all you lovely people for your warm wishes. we really left a strong bolt of love come our way. Rest assured we are very well and fully recovered now. Please remember It is important to stay indoors now. Yes it’s hard! But firstly we need to put the brakes on this pandemic, and then we have to conserve energy and rest our bodies and build strength. God forbid if you do catch the virus, your body which is the real weapon against this virus, will need loads of energy to fight it."

The actor also made it clear that the family picture he shared was from one of their earlier trips made to Coonoor. "This is a photo of us in Coonoor last year while I was filming Out of love. Also a reminder to me of the good times to come once we beat this problem as #OneWorld," wrote Purab Kohli.

Meanwhile, Chennai Express producer Karim Morani's younger daughter Shaza Morani has tested negative for COVID-19 in her second test. She is admitted to Mumbai’s Nanavati Hospital. Her father and elder sister Zoa Morani were also tested positive for COVID-19.