On Saturday evening, Amitabh Bachchan and Abhishek Bachchan informed their fans of them being tested positive for COVID-19 from their respective social media accounts. This news broke out like a swarm of bees and soon, everyone was praying for the recovery of the father-son duo. Aishwarya Rai Bachchan and Aaradhya Bachchan have also been found positive for coronavirus on Sunday. While the father-son duo has been admitted to Nanavati Hospital in Mumbai, the mother-daughter have been prescribed home quarantine.

Amitabh Bachchan’s Health Update: Big B's situation continues to improve

The veteran actor had been working from his home even during the lockdown period. Even now, when he is in isolation, he did not lag behind in his daily routine and wished his extended family members and fans on their birthdays. Lately, he wished one of his fans in his blog and wrote, “Birthday - EF - Manoj Kumar Ojha .. Taran Ghantasala.. Monday, July 13 .. birthday wishes to you both and the greetings and wishes .. for happiness ever.”

Big B also took to his twitter on Sunday night and thanked his fans and well-wishers for their love and prayers. He tweeted, “T 3592 - It shall not be possible for me to acknowledge and respond to all the prayers and wishes expressed by them that have shown concern towards Abhishek, Aishwarya, Aaradhya and me .. I put my hands together and say .. Thank you for your eternal love and affection”

He added, “T 3592 - It shall not be possible for me to acknowledge and respond to all the prayers and wishes expressed by them that have shown concern towards Abhishek, Aishwarya, Aaradhya and me .. I put my hands together and say ..Thank you for your eternal love and affection    ..”

Amitabh Bachchan will be next seen in ‘Brahmastra’, ‘Hera Pheri 3’ and ‘Chehre’.

We pray for the entire Bachchan family and wish them a speedy recovery.