New Delhi: Actress Sanya Malhotra, who made her Bollywood debut with Aamir Khan's 'Dangal', really puts her heart and soul into everything she does. Besides being an amazing actress she is also a virtuous person. Looking at the current situation, the novel Coronavirus has caused a lockdown of 21 days in the nation till April 14 which has affected daily wage workers. The 'Badhaai Ho' actress recently expressed her concern for them.
Sanya commented on the situation and said, "Right now, people need to take all precautions and I am focusing on that. I am worried about those who survive on daily wages, they are really suffering. It's time to sit back and see what we have been ignoring because we were so busy working".
The actress urges people to take precaution to stop the spread of the virus. She expresses her concern about those daily wage workers who are most affected by the lock-down and suggests that we remedy this wrong and help them to prevent their suffering.
Sanya believes that this is the time that has brought to light the troubles that daily wage workers face in an uncontrollable situation that is not their fault.
On the work front, Sanya Malhotra’s upcoming projects include 'Shakuntala Devi' where Sanya will be playing Anupama Banerjee while sharing the screen with Vidya Balan, Guneet Monga’s 'Pagglait' and Anurag Basu's 'Ludo'.
Coming back to the Coronavirus outbreak, the total number of positive cases in India rose to 1716 on Wednesday including 150 recoveries and 35 deaths.
Keep watching this space for more updates!
Coronavirus: Here’s What Sanya Malhotra Has To Say About COVID-19 Affecting Daily Wage Workers
ABP News Bureau
Updated at:
01 Apr 2020 01:49 PM (IST)
Amid Coronavirus outbreak, Sanya Malhotra expresses her concern about the daily wage workers who are most affected by the lockdown.
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