New Delhi: Sridevi’s daughter Jhanvi Kapoor is the next celeb kid to be launched in Bollywood. The Kapoor daughter is all set for her Bollywood debut and how. Well, she will be seen in a Karan Johar production and according to reports, her launch film is the proposed Hindi remake of Marathi blockbuster Sairat. Her dad, Boney Kapoor, speaking to DNA said, “Yes, Karan has been talking to us about a film for Jhanvi and we’ve given consent. But we don’t know which project it would be. Since Karan has recently acquired the remake rights of Sairat it is being presumed that our daughter would be launched in this project.”
Wow! Isn’t that great? Now that Boney has confirmed his daughter’s launch , we can be happy she is under KJo’s supervision and will be a hit. Now we wonder who will be the actor opposite him!