It seems our ‘Desi’ girl Priyanka Chopra has another film in her kitty, besides Shonali Bose’s ‘The Sky Is Pink’ Ace filmmaker Vishal Bhardwaj, while interacting with the media during the song launch of his film ‘Pataakha’ confirmed that his next film will star the ‘Quantico’ actress. Vishal and Priyanka have previously worked in ‘Kaminey’ and ‘Saat Khoon Maaf’ and fans have been waiting to see them reunite for a new project since quite some time. Both the films earned critical acclaim and Priyanka won the Filmfare Critics Award for Best Actress for ‘Saat Khoon Maaf’.

The ‘Haider’ director had earlier expressed his desire to work with PeeCee on a movie based on William Shakespeare’s ‘Twelfth Night’. While talking to the reporters at the song launch, Bhardwaj revealed that the film would go on floors from next year.

(Priyanka in Saat Khoon Maaf)

“Priyanka (also) wants to work with me. And we are working with each other. Hopefully, we will start the film next year,’’ PTI quoted the ‘Omkara’ director as saying.

Vishal Bhardwaj is now gearing up for the release of  ‘Pataakha’ which stars Sanya Malhotra, Radhika Madan, Sunil Grover, Vijay Raaz and Saanand Verma. The trailer of the ‘Pataakha’ has managed to create anticipation among the movie buffs who are eagerly waiting to see the sibling rivalry between two sisters.

(Radhika, Sunil & Sanya at Pataakha song launch, photo credit- Manav Manglani)

The film will clash with Varun Dhawan and Anushka Sharma’s ‘Suii Dhaaga’ at the box office. Both the films are slated to hit the silver screens on September 28, 2018.

Are you excited to see Priyanka Chopra work in a Vishal Bhardwaj film once again? Tell us in the comments section below.