New Delhi: Priyanka Chopra Jonas is having a gala time in London where she ringed in Christmas with husband Nick Jonas and his family. After sharing a glimpse of what the family did on Christmas Eve, the 36-year-old has shared with her fans a picture of them having a ball at the Christmas dinner. In the pic, the Jonas and Chopra family can be seen raising a toast at the dinner table. Apart from the newlyweds, the image features Priyanka's mother Madhu Chopra and brother Siddharth.

(Source- Instagram)

The picture has been captioned as, "From our family to yours. Merry Christmas ????❤️????"

Take a look at the picture below:

Here are some more pictures from Priyanka's first Christmas post-wedding:

Also present in the picture are Nick's parents, Paul Kevin Jonas and Denise, along with Joe, his fiance Sophie Turner, the youngest Jonas brother, Franklin, among others.

Priyanka Chopra and Nick Jonas' big fat wedding took place earlier this month at the opulent Umaid Bhawan Palace in Jodhpur. They tied the knot in two elaborate ceremonies.

ALSO READ: Priyanka Chopra-Nick Jonas enter Simpsons universe