Bollywood filmmaker Karan Johar recently entered into a new phase of his life, becoming a proud father after the birth of his son Yash and daughter Roohi through surrogacy. And now, a picture of the newborns claimed to be baby Yash and Roohi is going viral all over the internet since morning.

Karan Johar is now a father to twins; Girl Roohi & Boy Yash!

The hospital pic which is said to be that of KJO's newborn twins is all over social media now, however we are still not sure whether the photo is real or fake! Take a look:

As of now, there is no confirmation or denial from Karan Johar's side on the said pic. But ever since it went viral on net fans went crazy congratulating the new dad in the comment section.

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44-year-old, Karan Johar broke the internet on 5th March when he announced the birth news of his twins, his babies were born on February 7, 2017, through surrogacy.

While Karan's baby boy's name is Yash, after his late father’s name, his daughter Roohi is a rearrangement of his mother’s name Hiroo. And we are still awaiting the official pics of the babies.