Dhak Dhak girl Madhuri Dixit is all set to recreate the magic of the late legendary actress Madhubala from cult movie Mughal-E-Azam. The Devdas actress would be slipping into the late actress' shoes to recreate the iconic track, Mohe Panghat Nandlal Chhed Gayo Re. For the upcoming episode of the dance reality show, Dance Deewane.

Madhubala made the entire nation fall in love with her when she gracefully danced to iconic composition in K Asif’s masterpiece, Mughal-e-Azam back in 1960 and now Madhuri, will recreate Madhubala magic, on the small screen.

Dancing Uncle meets his idol Govinda on Madhuri Dixit’s show Dance Deewane (PICS INSIDE)

The actress took to Instagram to share a snatch from the sets of Dance Deewane. She wrote, "Retro feels today on #DanceDeewane."

On the other hand,celebrity makeup artist Mickey Contractor  shared a black & white picture of the actress where she is looking a spitting image of Madhubala. “The gorgeous Madhuri Dixit for Dance Deewane in a retro avatar,” he wrote. Check it out below