Veteran Bollywood actor Vinod Khanna who was battling cancer since a long time breathed his last in Mumbai today. The 70-year-old actor was in the hospital since a long time.
Vinod Khanna was taken to HN Reliance Foundation and Research Centre in Girgaon some weeks ago, due to severe dehydration.
A photo of a very frail Khanna in hospital was circulated a while ago, prompting angry posts on social media asking that the actor's privacy be respected.
Vinod Khanna
This terrible news of his death has shocked all his fans & friends of the Bollywood film fraternity!
Vinod Khanna was one of the top stars of the 70s & 80s and was known for his macho image. His last screen appearance was opposite Shah Rukh Khan and Kajol in 2015's Dilwale.
More details awaited....
May his soul rest in peace!