While Bradley Cooper won't be accompanying Lady Gaga on a tour to perform songs from their acclaimed film 'A Star Is Born', the actor has better plans for Ally and Jack's reunion.

The Hollywood actor, during his appearance on the latest episode of 'The Ellen DeGeneres Show', disclosed that he wishes to bring the movie to life with Gaga on stage for an exclusive one-night-only live performance.

"What I thought would be a cool thing to do, maybe one night, would be like a live reading of the script and sing all the songs as we read the script, like at the Hollywood Bowl or something," Cooper told host DeGeneres.

The 44-year-old actor produced, wrote, directed, and starred in the 2018 film.

Earlier this year, at the 2019 Academy Awards, the two completely stole the show with their intimate duet which earned them a deafening round of applause.

Speaking about the performance, Cooper told DeGeneres that he had put a lot of hard work into that performance. It was his idea to record the song using a single camera-shot, 360-degree number, which ended with the two singing cheek-to-cheek at the piano before staring lovingly into each other's eyes and concluding the song.

"I actually wasn't nervous, because I worked so hard, and Lady Gaga is so supportive. But it was terrifying because I'm not a singer and I didn't sing before this movie, so it was really crazy. Cause I really thought the Oscar thing, people would never watch the movie again if it was bad. It was one of those things. It felt great" he shared.

'A Star is Born' is a remake of 1937 film of the same name. The story revolves around an established singer (Cooper) who helps a struggling artist (Gaga) to find fame while he struggles with his own demons.