New Delhi: ‘PM Narendra Modi’ and ‘India’s Most Wanted’, which released on Friday (May 24), witnessed a growth on day two at the box office. Vivek Oberoi starrer ‘PM Narendra Modi’, which is based on the life of PM Narendra, couldn’t set the cash registers jingling on its first day but it managed to do well as compared to Arjun Kapoor’s ‘India’s Most Wanted’.

The biopic minted Rs 2.88 crore on the first day and saw a growth of 30.56 percent on the second day. The Omung Kumar directorial raked in Rs 3.76 crore to take the total collection to Rs 6.64 crore.

Bollywood trade analyst and critic Taran Adarsh shared the box office collection of ‘PM Narendra Modi’ on Twitter.

‘’#PMNarendraModi witnessed an upward trend [30.56% growth] on Day 2... Performing better in mass circuits... Metros, which contribute big numbers, aren’t as strong... Day 3 crucial, needs to gather speed... Fri 2.88 cr, Sat 3.76 cr. Total: ₹ 6.64 cr. India biz,’’ Adarsh wrote on the micro-blogging site.

‘India’s Most Wanted’, which has been directed by Raj Kumar Gupta, also saw a rise in its numbers on day two. After starting on a slow note at the box office, the film collected Rs 3.03 crore in Saturday.

‘’#IndiasMostWanted witnessed 44.29% growth on Day 2, but, ideally, the biz should’ve doubled since Day 1 was extremely low... Needs to cover lost ground on Day 3 [today]... Fri 2.10 cr, Sat 3.03 cr. Total: ₹ 5.13 cr. India biz. #IMW,’’ Taran Adarsh wrote while sharing ‘India’s Most Wanted’ box office collection on Twitter.

The two films faced stiff competition from Aladdin, which also released on May 24. Taran Adarsh shared Aladdin’s second day collection and said that the film is faring better than the other two Hindi releases.

‘’#Aladdin dominates, maintains a strong lead on Day 2... Faring much, much better than #Hindi releases, but it can do with higher numbers thanks to the merits and genre... Fri 4.25 cr, Sat 6.50 cr. Total: ₹ 10.75 cr Nett BOC. India biz. Gross BOC: ₹ 12.80 cr. All versions,’’ he tweeted.

If remains to be seen if ‘PM Narendra Modi’ & ‘India’s Most Wanted’ will be able to continue the momentum at the box office or not.

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