New Delhi: The release of the two movies 'Munna Michael' and 'Lipstick Under My Burkha' are hitting the screens against each other. Being of different genres, both the movies stand in difference with each other in terms of storyline and taste. On the very first day, Munna Michael, directed by Sabbir Khan, received a lukewarm response at the ticket window of 3000 screens in total, collecting just Rs 6.50-6.75. Starring Tiger Shroff and Nawazuddin Siddiqui, the movie is a pack of a family entertainer. On the other hand, Lipstick Under my Burkha, which went through so many odds (thanks to CBFC for the pre stir), finally got released and made a box office collection of Rs 1 crore on day one.

Both the movies waver in their storyline. 'Munna Michael' orchestrates the story of a young boy who has grown up in the slums of Mumbai and is inspired to become a dancer like Michael Jackson. On the other hand, Alankrita Srivastava’s movie, Lipstick Under My Burkha is completely a different one. It deals with the issues of women, mainly related to their subjugation in a male dominated society. Starring Konkona Sen Sharma, Ratna Pathak Shah, Plabita Borthakur, and Aahana Kumara, the movie magnificently mirrors the truth of female dominance which still prevails in our patriarchal society.

However, the collection of 'Munna Michael' is comparatively better as compared to Tiger’s ‘The Flying Jatt’ which marked Rs 6.02 on its first day of release. Being a family entertainer and light mood movie, the numbers might add more to the collection in the coming days. As for 'Lipstick Under My Burkha', the collection of Rs 1.22 crore is quite a good score considering the fact that the movie is made under a controlled budget and has been showcased on around 400 screens. This black comedy, though is unconventional, will connect to the audience in one way or the other. This “relatable to audience” notion of the film quite increases the expectation of receiving a raise in its box office collection.

Albeit, it will differ from audience to audience and their taste.