New Delhi: Fan’s box office collections are closely watched by critics and fans of Shah Rukh Khan. While the movie didn’t seem to attract much money and make itself very relevant with the box office, the love for Shah Rukh Khan doesn’t seem to end. We have been updating you about the figures at the box office. Well, the sixth day collection on Wednesday was as low as Rs. 4.20 crore.
The collection till 6th day in India was Rs 68.35 crore, while the gross approx figure is Rs 97.64 crore.
Here is the break up: Day 1 (Fri) Rs 19.20 cr; Day 2 (Sat) 15.40 cr; Day 3 (Sun) Rs 17.75 cr; Day 4 (Mon) Rs 6.05 cr; Day 5 (Tue) Rs 5.75 cr; Day 6 (Wed) Rs 4.20 cr. These are India figures and by adding the foreign earnings the total adds up to Rs 137.11 cr.