New Delhi: The Narcotics Control Bureau has launched a massive crackdown against the use of banned drugs in Bollywood while investigating the death case of Sushant Singh Rajput. Earlier, names of actresses including Sara Ali Khan, Rakul Preet Singh and Shraddha Kapoor emerged in the case but the probe took a sensational turn when the name of Deepika Padukone emerged in one of the drug chats. In the recent development, all the four actresses have been summoned by the agency and will have to appear before the officials for questioning.

ALSO READ| NCB Issues Summons To Deepika Padukone, Shraddha Kapoor, Sara Ali Khan, Rakul Preet In Connection With Drugs Angle In Sushant's Death Case

The ‘Bajirao Mastani’ actress’ name emerged when a few WhatsApp chats were recovered. In the chat, Deepika’s name has come up with initials starting with ‘D’ where she can be allegedly seen asking for ‘maal, hash’ from a certain person ‘K’ who is supposedly Karishma Prakash, her manager.

Read the WhatsApp chat which led the Narcotics Control Bureau (NCB) to send a summon to the ‘Cocktail’ actress.

Deepika: K...Maal you have?

Karishma: I have but at home. I am at Bandra...

Karishma: I can ask Amit if you want

Deepika: Yes!! Pllleeeeasssee

Karishma: Amit has. He's carrying it

Deepika: Hash na?

Deepika: Not weed

Karishma: What time are you coming to Koko

Deepika: 1130/12ish

Deepika: Till what time is Shal there?

Karishma: I think she said 11:30 because she needs to be at the other place at 12

Meanwhile, the NCB has also summoned producer Madhu Mantena Verma, who arrived for the interrogation on Wednesday. The agency quizzed Sushant Singh Rajput’s talent manager Jaya Saha for the third consecutive day in connection with the 'Kai Po Che!' actor's death case. According to NCB sources, Jaya would be confronted with Madhu Mantena.

ALSO READ| Kangana Ranaut REACTS To NCB's Summons To Deepika Padukone & Other B'wood A-Listers, Says 'For The First Time...'

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