Bipasha Basu, who recently tied knot to her 'Alone' co-star Karan Singh Grover is enjoying her married phase. The actress who went to Maldives for her Honeymoon had a fun time there. In the first conversation post marriage, Bipasha talked about husband Karan Singh Grover's past marriages.

According to a leading daily, the 37-year-old actress, in a recent interview, opened up about loving this new phase of her life. Bips, who appears to be head over heels in love with her 34-year-old hubby, also said that she is no way affected by his past, telling people to first be in someone's shoes to understand their journey before passing personal comments.

Also: See Pics! Hubby Karan shares Bipasha’s SEDUCTIVE avatar; Also provides glimpses of their Honeymoon suite!

While this B-Town hot beauty is clearly emanating the charm of a newlywed, the couple seems to be enjoying every bit of marital bliss. The 'Hate Story 2' actor who was also present during the same session revealed that he popped the 'big question' of 'being together' to the actress in Koh Samui on December 31 amidst fireworks.

Bipasha and Karan started dating during the shoot of their movie ' Alone' and sealed their love with marriage on April 30, this year.

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