Poonam Pandey shared the picture of her butt in the evening yesterday as the teaser to her this year's Holi video and it is super hot. After her recent Valentine's Day video and another one where she was seen applying sunscreen on her breasts teaching how to beat the heat[Poonam Pandey’s latest RAUNCHY B**BS video is TOO HOT to handle!].

Yes, she finds different ways to grab attention and the festivals are a regular and her favorite to do so.

So Holi is here and so is Poonam Pandey!

Here's her video where she is standing in a white bikini while the colors (gulal) are splashed on her body with music running in the background. Poonam goes bouncy flaunting her assets, the boobs and her derrière yet again!

The video plays in reverse and Poonam goes from complete-covered-in-color to clean bikini body enjoying all the color splashings.

ALSO - WATCH: Poonam Pandey is back a SEXY SANTA with her version of Jingle Bells – Jingle B**bs!

Poonam shared the video with the message that read.. "And the Brand New Holi Video is here..Happy Holi in advance ;) enjoy

Watch below: