New Delhi: Salman Khan’s film ‘Bharat’ has been quite in news as the leading actress Priyanka Chopra decided to walk out of the film. Director of the film Ali Abbas Zafar confirmed the news on Twitter when he wrote, “Yes Priyanka Chopra is no more part of @Bharat_TheFilm & and the reason is very very special , she told us in the Nick of time about her decision and we are very happy for her ... Team Bharat wishes @priyankachopra loads of love & happiness for life 😊😉😍”

After this, fans were shocked on hearing that Priyanka Chopra and Nick Jonas have got engaged. It is also being said that our desi girl will get married in October this year.

There were some reports that claimed that Priyanka Chopra left the film due to big ensemble cast. The global icon felt that with Disha Patani, Tabu and Nora Fatehi on-board, she would get sidelined in ‘Bharat’, the report added.

But the producers have now confirmed that Priyanka’s real reason to exit was her engagement. The CEO of the company, Nikhil Namit told Mid-Day, “Priyanka told us that she had to exit due to her engagement, two days ago. It was a little unprofessional of her to do it so suddenly.”

On a related note, very soon director Ali Abbas Zafar will announce the leading lady for ‘Bharat’.