Salman Khan’s 'Bharat' has become the talk of the town after Priyanka Chopra walked out from the film. Director Ali Abbas Zafar has said that he will announce the leading lady of the film soon. Bharat’s producer Nikhil Namit has expressed his displeasure about PeeCee walking out of the film and called her unprofessional. Amidst, all the ruckus Disha Patani has shared her first look from ‘Bharat’, making the fans excited about the film.

The ‘Baaghi 2’ actress posted a picture on Instagram and Twitter giving us a glimpse of her look from the film. The leggy lass also revealed her character name from 'Bharat'. It’s Radha.

Disa Patani will reportedly play the role of a trapeze artiste in the film which is an official adaptation of South Korean drama ‘Ode To My Father’.

Check out her post below.

The M.S. Dhoni: The Untold Story has been training hard for her role in the film. She had earlier said that she considered herself lucky to bag such a big project.

‘Bharat’, which will see Salman Khan donning five different looks, is slated to hit the silver screens on Eid 2019. The film also stars Tabu, Nora Fatehi and Sunil Grover in pivotal roles.

Former Bigg Boss contestant Nora, who made the fans go weak in their knees with Dilbar’, will play a Latino character in the flick.

The makers will be shooting their film in Abu Dhabi and Spain besides Delhi and Punjab in India.

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