Director of the film Ajay Pannalal and producer Tony D'Souza were arrested for hurting sentiments of certain religious groups after the film's poster featuring Rajkumar in 'Lord Shiva's avatar riding a bike was released. The two have reportedly been granted bail and are out now though.
The controversial poster of 'Behen Hogi Teri' featuring Rakummar Rao as 'Lord Shiva'
And now here's a pleasing & funny piece of information which for Rakummar is embarrassing though.
This happened during the filming of a scene in the film when Rakummar had to perform CPR (Cardiopulmonary resuscitation) on his 80-year old co-star, veteran actress Kamlesh Gill on his lady love Shruti's request.
The scene also present in the trailer(Watch at the bottom of this article) is for a shorter duration but reports say that during the shoot it took about 18 re-takes before it was finalized and guess what!
Screenshot of the CPR scene from 'Behen Hoti Teri' trailer
Yes, Rajkumar Rao accidentally happened to kiss the senior actress instead.
"Rajkummar Rao had to do 18 retakes for a scene with Kamlesh Gill. In the scene, the actor had to give CPR to Kamlesh Ji, but he couldn’t do the scene without breaking into laughter. And during one take, he accidently kissed Kamlesh Ji."
Rakummar Rao accidentally kisses his co-actress 80 yr old Kamlesh Gill during CPR sceen shoot of 'Behen Hogi Teri'
Rakummar Rao accidentally kisses his co-actress 80 yr old Kamlesh Gill during CPR sceen shoot of 'Behen Hogi Teri'
Rakummar Rao accidentally kisses his co-actress 80 yr old Kamlesh Gill during CPR sceen shoot of 'Behen Hogi Teri'
"The whole set became quiet and awkward until Kamlesh Ji cracked up herself. The kiss became the highlight of the day on the sets.", Revealed source to BollywoodLife.
Kamlesh Gill
Isn't that cracking you up too?
Watch film's trailer below: