Sajid Nadiadwala's 'Bachchan Pandey', starring Akshay Kumar & Kriti Sanon in lead roles, was announced back in July 2019 and was slated to release Christmas 2020. However, the makers of much-awaited movie have shifted it's release date on Aamir Khan's request as 'Bachchan Pandey' was earlier clashing with 'Laal Singh Chadha'. Aamir Khan took to his social media account today (January 27) and thanked Akshay & Sahid Nadiadwala for shifting their film's release date  [Aamir Khan Thanks Akshay Kumar As He Shifts 'Bachchan Pandey' Release Date For 'Laal Singh Chaddha']. In his reply, Akshay has shared his new look from 'Bachchan Pandey' and has also revealed it's new release date.

In the new still, Akshay can be seen in a close up look, sporting a beard and a lungi with multiple gold chains and a red headband on the forehead. The 'Good Newwz' actor also shared that 'Bachchan Pandey' will now release on January 22, 2021. The actor made the announcement in a tweet which reads, "Anytime @aamir_khan, we’re all friends here... Presenting - new look, new release date. Coming on 22nd January, 2021. In and as #BachchanPandey! #SajidNadiadwala @farhad_samji @kritisanon"

Take a look at his post below:

WATCH: Akshay Kumar Takes Mother To Her 'Favourite Place' On Birthday; Gives Glimpse Of Celebrations

'Bachchan Pandey' will be directed by Farhad Samji and it will be produced by Sajid Nadiadwala. 'Bachchan Pandey' will mark another collaboration between Akshay kumar and Sajid Nadiadwala after last year's 'Housefull 4' which went on to make over 200 crores at the box office.

Stay tuned for more updates!