New Delhi: After an official film announcement of 'Baby John' with a short teaser, makers have shared a new poster of Varun Dhawan looking his intense-look best. The Atlee film poster shows Varun Dhawan in a ganji with a man bun looking sideways. Varun Dhawan shared the new poster on Instagram with a caption that said, " Hold on tight, the ride is about to get wild. #BabyJohn coming to your nearest theaters on May 31st!"
Varun Dhawan in new 'Baby John' poster.
Earlier, a couple of days ago, Varun Dhawan had shared a rather intense teaser of 'Baby John' on his official Instagram handle.
Baby John teaser
Varun appeared in the teaser as an action figure getting ready to battle his adversaries. In the footage, Varun's persona is surrounded by flames and a battlefield. In Game of Thrones syle iron throne, he is shown approaching the iron throne while seated on a chair surrounded by firearms. The teaser also includes a large number of traditional dancers.
On May 31, 2024, the movie will be shown in theaters all around the world. The working title for Baby John was VD18. Atlee and Murad Khetani are the producers, and Kalees is the director. Varun had been providing frequent updates from the movie's set. He sustained a leg injury as well. Varun had earlier shared an image to his Instagram stories showing his injured leg.
Wamiqa Gabbi, who is also part of the film, had earlier said in a statement, "Being a part of VD18 is a thrilling experience for me. Collaborating with exceptional talents like Varun Dhawan and Keerthy Suresh under Atlee sir's visionary direction is a creative journey I'm eager to explore. I have been and will always be eternally grateful to 2023, the year that plunged things to new beginnings. And to end the year by being on sets now for my next is truly the perfect curtain call for the year. The moments like these remind me why I love what I do, and I can't wait for audiences to witness the magic we are creating on screen."