Actress Priyanka Chopra turned 34 on Monday and amid all the wishes she received, the cutest one was from Salman Khan's nephew and Arpita Khan's son Ahil Sharma.

Recently, the actress met the star kid during the shooting of an ad shoot. Priyanka and Ahil loved each other's company and the pics were a proof of it but Birthday wishes from Ahil will definitely melt your heart.


Arpita Khan Sharma shared a picture on her social media where Ahil sent heart warming Birthday wishes to Priyanka. The caption read, ''HBD @priyankachopra Masi, big hug & lots of love from Ahil''

Also: PICS & VIDEO: Priyanka Chopra rings in her Birthday in Hollywood style!

The National Award-winning actress, also a former beauty queen, has also impressed many with her act in "Quantico", in which she is seen as Alex Parrish, a rookie FBI recruit with a mysterious past.