New Delhi: Bollywood actor Arjun Rampal and his girlfriend Gabriella Demetriades became parents to a baby boy on Thursday (July 18). The couple is over the moon after the arrival of their little bundle of joy. Gabriella delivered their son in Mumbai’s Hinduja hospital on Thursday afternoon.

Although, the two lovebirds are yet to pick up a name for their newborn baby, Gabriella has shared the first picture of her baby. The new mommy posted a candid photo of Arjun Rampal holding their son in his arms on her Instagram story. The little munchkin can be seen resting in his daddy's arms in the picture.

Check it out!

(Source- Instagram)

Paparazzo Manav Manglani also shared the adorable photo on his Instagram handle.

Gabriella shared another photo on her Instagram story in which she can seen radiating mummy glow.

(Source- Instagram)

She posted another photo on her Instagram story. Here it is!

(Source- Instagram)

Arjun Rampal was previously married to Mehr Jesia and they announced their separation in May 2018 after 20 years of marriage. The estranged couple has two daughters together- Myra and Mahikaa. Arjun's daughters were spotted at Hinduja hospital on Thursday. They posed for the shutterbugs along with their dad Arjun.

Arjun Rampal has hosted a baby shower for his ladylove Gabriella on May 25. The ceremony was attended by their family members and close friends. Gabriella Demetriades's parents had also reached Mumbai a few days before for her delivery.

We extend our heartiest congratulations to the new parents

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