Arjun Rampal and Vidya Balan have wrapped up the shooting of his upcoming flick 'Kahaani 2,' a sequel to Sujoy Ghosh's 2012 thriller 'Kahaani.' The actor recently got injured on the sets of the film as he shared a couple of pictures of his knee which got hurt while shooting a chase sequence.

The 43-year-old actor took to his Twitter and posted his picture, writing, "A wrap on #Kahaani2 after a long wait we did it @sujoy_g TY for the amazing experience.TY the whole mad team,miss u."

See Pic:

The actor continued, "Some memories from Kahaani2, a special film November 25th 2016. Can't wait to seeing you all. "

The movie's director Sujoy tweeted, "the shoot of KAHAANI 2 ends.. and the work to make the film begins with some aweFsome stuff from.. the @vidya_balan and @rampalarjun."

Also: Vidya Balan’s ‘Kahaani 2’ gets a release date; WATCH teaser to know!

Earlier, it was reported that the movie's leading lady Vidya Balan has wrapped up the movie's shoot. The forthcoming sequel is scheduled to release on 25 November.


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