Mumbai: Actor Arbaaz Khan's girlfriend Giorgia Andriani is making her film debut with 'Sridevi Bungalow'. The film features Priya Prakash Varrier in the lead role, while Arbaaz will be seen in a guest appearance portraying the part of a Bollywood actor. Arbaaz was earlier married to Malaika Arora but the duo announced their separation in 2016 and got officially divorced in 2017. Later he started dating Giorgia. "I am very excited to be part of 'Sridevi Bungalow' and I am really looking forward to starting the shoot," Giorgia, who will also be seen in a Tamil web series "Karoline Kamakshi", said in a statement.

ALSO - Boney Kapoor’s legal notice to wink girl Priya Prakash Varrier’s debut Bollywood film ‘Sridevi Bungalow’

(With inputs added in PTI)