Upcoming Bollywood film 'Sui Dhaaga - Made In India', featuring Varun Dhawan & Anushka Sharma in lead roles, is one of the most awaited film of this year. The film is set to hit theatres on 28th September and the film's lead stars are busy in the promotional activities. Recently, Varun & Anushka made an appearance on Sony TV's popular music reality show 'Indian Idol 10' where the 'Band Baaja Baaraat' actress was asked to enact her viral 'Sui Dhaaga' crying scene which has now been a popular meme on the Internet[Anushka & Varun's memes from 'Sui Dhaaga' will make you go LOL].

Varun-Anushka in a still from 'Sui Dhaaga'

Well, she recreated the same expressions on the singing reality show on judge Vishal Dadlani's insistence & it was no less hilarious. The video of Anushka's re-enacting the crying scene on 'Indian Idol 10' is going viral too. Check out the video below:

'Sui Dhaaga' 1st song 'Chaav Laaga': Varun-Anushka share endearing chemistry in the romantic melody!

Recently, during an interview with Mid- Day, Anushka had reacted on her 'Sui Dhaaga' memes going viral on the internet and said, "I thought the memes were hilarious. I kept sharing them with Varun, Sharat (Katariya) and my friends. It is a compliment that my character has been stuck in people's head after they watched the trailer. Mamta has become a figure that everyone identifies with. Memes have become a common feature today. People actually dedicate time to make them. But in our case, it happened naturally and that too, on a huge scale."

Below are some viral Anushka Sharma memes from 'Sui Dhaaga'. Check out (SWIPE LEFT):

Sui Dhaaga: 'Dum Laga Ke Haisha' actor Mahesh Sharma in Varun-Anushka's film

Speaking about the film co-produced by Maneesh Sharma, 'Sui Dhaaga' traces the journey of protagonist Mauji (Varun) from being unemployed to self-employment with the love & support of his wife Mamta (Anushka). The film's trailer as well as songs are getting favorable reviews from movie lovers & now these hilarious memes have only added to the huge buzz around the buzz.