New Delhi: Ranbir Kapoor, Rashmika Mandanna, and Bobby Deol starrer 'Animal' trailer has become the buzz of the day. Ever since the trailer launch on November 23, fans have been trending 'Animal' trailer on social media. The fight sequence between Ranbir Kapoor and Bobby Deol has created quite some anticipation and excitement on social platforms like X(formerly Twitter). Other than that, the father-son chemistry between Ranbir Kapoor and Anil Kapoor has caught many fans' attention while several others have begun a meme fest inspired by the film's trailer.
Like the 'Animal' teaser which dropped in September, Bobby Deol made just one impactful appearance at the end of the trailer and it seems, his part is reserved for some special purpose in the film.
Take a look at some of the tweets about the Animal trailer.