Megastar Amitabh Bachchan has been admitted to Nanavati Hospital in suburban Mumbai for a regular check-up, according to sources. The actor was admitted to the hospital on Tuesday and is still there, they said. "Mr Bachchan had come for a routine check-up," a hospital source told PTI. Initial reports in Mumbai said Bachchan was hospitalised due to liver issues but there is no clarity on that. Bachchan on Thursday greeted his fans on the occasion of 'Karwa Chauth' festival.
The superstar has been hospitalised since three days, as he was admitted on Tuesday at 2 AM.
Karwa Chauth 2019: Amitabh Bachchan goes “unseen” cropping him out of a throwback picture with Jaya Bhaduri calling her “better half” with funny message! Check out the full photo!
For the unversed, Amitabh Bachchan is a "tuberculosis survivor" and a "Hepatitis B survivor". In an interview he said that he is functioning on only 25 per cent of his liver. Reports suggest that he is in a special room which is like an ICU, and Bachchan family has been visiting him.
Amitabh Bachchan also posted a blog last night on Thursday hinting at his hospitalization by mentioning "hours and hours of slumber and recline" in it.
Here's his blog he posted on Friday, October 18 at 11.03 pm:
Birthday - Ef Prathibha .. Friday, October 18 .. and our wishes go out to her for a lovely day .. love from the Ef ..????
Nostralacious relief .. and all of a sudden the World seems to look a bright and sunny day .. there is a calm about .. there is the shwetambari delicate organised care management .. and for months after , finally a view of the SURYA ..
This schedule of work and time lines and a million other is so depriving .. in the house , in the car, in the van , in the studio, in the home vehicle and home .. sunshine shining elsewhere .. deprived and reported inputs from the injectable tubular gadgetry, informs of immediate intake of the D .. the D as in its vitamin form .. pretty normal and known ..
Amitabh Bachchan's pic he posted in his latest blog during hospitalization
.. so much time to think and absorb .. time to devote to that which crossed the mind but never given the import of schedule .. and soon it shall all slip away ..
So rush dear ones .. rush to gather, to imbibe, to render, to share .. for the delight in its giving is immeasurable ..
O dear peaks of the white snow , pure mirror reflected in quality .. you shine as though moonlight has been entrapped within you, or the moon did set upon you .. but your aloofness up in the heights disturbs .. come some day to the mud and dirt of the earth , mix and mingle with reality .. feel the pain and the anguish of them that reside below .. you, up above, away in your region .. distant from the vagaries of the ground the common walks on .. lovers do romance in the joy of the mix they find in your pristine whiteness, build images, models, engulf each other with your soft dust .. be in obligation .. you are but fortunate .. come down though .. see what obligation awaits you here down below .. hold hands with the us , the common, the deprived of your pristine purity .. few, very few shall ever be among you .. but descend .. and ascend in the hearts of ours ..
Amitabh Bachchan's pic he posted in his latest blog during hospitalization
.. the white in its presence lends invite to sit beside in isolation and speak words that reflect the intense poetic grandeur of all that philosophises about us .. dimly lit in its ambience, gazing in modest affection of the words that flow, wallowing in the softness of the meaning .. and just deporting the two into an oblivion unknown and unchartered .. to express that affection through the genius verbology of the written and spoken word ..
.. and then in its silence .. as nothing is spoken .. no sound .. no horn .. no symbolic bells or flashes of nondescript bulbs .. that symbolised attention to the soft tear that falls about your cheek .. in an act of acceptance .. for the pain of one can never ever be understood by the pain of the other - of any other .. and in its silence ..
all is expressed ..
all ..
(With inputs from PTI)
Amitabh Bachchan Admitted To Nanavati Hospital For Regular Check-Up! Posted A Blog Saying 'Hours And Hours Of Slumber And Recline'
Filmymonkey Team
Updated at:
18 Oct 2019 07:12 PM (IST)
The superstar has been hospitalised since three days, as he was admitted on Tuesday at 2 AM.
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