Bollywood actress Kangana Ranaut will be protected by Central para-military personnel when she arrives in Mumbai on September 9 amid the ongoing tussle with Maharashtra government and Shiv Sena leader Sanjay Raut. According to home ministry sources centre has extended ‘Y’ security to the actress . This comes after the actress received violent threats from Shiv Sena over the last few days.

Kangana took to twitter to thanks home minister Amit Shah after the news of her getting 'Y' security surfaced in media. She tweeted from her official twitter handle:

"This is proof that no fascist forces will be able to suppress nationalist voices. I am indebted to Amit Shah, who could have also asked me to visit Mumbai later considering the present situation, but he honoured the words of a daughter of this country. Jai Hind."

Kangana's tweet

Earleir, on Sunday, the Himachal Pradesh government said the state will provide security to Kangana Ranaut and was reportedly also considering to extend the security during her upcoming visit to Mumbai.

Ranaut had recently said that she felt unsafe in Mumbai after the death of actor Sushant Singh Rajput.

Kangana who is currently in her home state Himachal Pradesh, had earlier tweeted that she will be coming back to Mumbai on September 9 and dared anyone to stop her.

On a related note,VIPs who enjoy Y category security in India have a security detail consisting 11 personnel, including commandos.