While many celebrities came out in the ‘Queen’ actress’ support and praised her for her bravery, Anurag Kashyap along with Taapsee and Swara has been slamming the actress for her statements. The filmmaker has been actively talking about ‘insiders vs outsiders’ and ‘nepotism’ and hitting back at Kangana on his Twitter.
In a recent interview with a news channel, Kashyap was enquired about his daughter’s interest in becoming an actor. The director said that his daughter Aaliyah is an adult and will have to choose her own path. Even if she wants to become an actor, she cannot just wake up one day and say that I want to be an actor. Aaliyah needs to learn the craft and skills of acting first, said Anurag.
However, he added that if Aaliyah wants to choose acting as her career, she will have to struggle for it, go for auditions and bag a role somewhere. The ‘Manmarziyaan’ director revealed that within his expertise, he will not be able to create a role for his daughter as she is an urban kid and not a street kid like him. She will not fit in the ‘not-so-urban’ roles which are created by the director.
The ‘Dev D’ director also revealed that he and the ‘Gangster’ actress used to be good friends but now, he does not know the new Kangana.
Reportedly, Anurag Kashyap’s next movie ‘Womaniya’ will star Taapsee Pannu in the lead role.
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