Former Miss Universe and actress Sushmita has been painting the town red with her romance with model-boyfriend Rohman Shawl since last year and we saw the two also attending the marriage of Sushmita's brother Rajeev Sen with Tv actress Charu Asopa in Goa last week which was a private affair. Both Rohman and Sushmita often posted their pda-filled pictures and videos on their respective social media profiles and made endless promises in their romantic comments on each other's posts. While the two looked super happy until a week ago during the family wedding, seem like now there have some differences cropped up between the two. Atleast Rohman's Instagram does hint at that!

Rohman took to Instagram and shared series of posts on social media that are basically plain texts which are talking about a couple.

His first story had the message - "HEY YOU. Yes I am talking to you!! What’s bothering you?? Come on, I am all ears to you for the next 24 hours… Talk to me. Don’t worry. Its only between you and me!! Talk to me."

And what fuels the possibility of a tiff between the two is that Sushmita even stopped following Rohman on Instagram.

His next message read- "So you feel you are doing too much in a relationship and your partner isn’t reciprocating… It’s alright!! You need to understand that what you do for your partner is your call, don’t put your him/her under the obligation of loving you the same way!! Do things for them because you genuinely feel like doing it, not because you expect them to do the same for you!! So you expect your partner to treat you right because you are in a relationship with them? If someone doesn’t treat you right and you are still with them, its your fault!! Love yourself."

Oops! Does that reveal what exactly went wrong in their relationship that began in August 2018? Is Rohman alleging that Sushmita was possessive about him or was it the other way around!

The last message in Rohman's series of Insta-story read - "So you get bored when you are by yourself? Ok so how do you expect others to find you interesting, when you can’t even entertain yourself!! Spend atleast 15-20 mins daily with yourself, without any phone, tv, books or anyone. Listen to the voice from within which is trying to talk to you, it has all the answers!"

Here are the screenshots of his Insta-stories which are now missing from his Instagram but are making rounds now on the Internet:

Rohman Shawl's Insta-story

Rohman Shawl's Insta-story

Rohman Shawl's Insta-story

Rohman Shawl's Insta-story

The news about Sushmita and Rohman dating had first come in October last year, a few days after which, the actress herself made it official with their pictures from the Taj Mahal visit, captioning them - "#clickclick #friends #team & the #love of life!!!#memorable #cherished #tajmahal  I love you guys!!!!."

Before dating Rohman, Sushmita was in a relationship with businessman Ritik Bhasin. The couple parted ways last year after dating for close to four years. And thereafter the two were inseparable and we saw tons of social media posts by the love birds hanging out with each other's families. Rohman even gelled well with her two daughters Alisah and Renee and they were spotted in some cute-beyond-words family pictures together.

Sushmita Sen with Ritik Bhasin(Pic: Web)

Sushmita Sen celebrates Diwali with BOYFRIEND Rohman Shawl and daughters Alisah-Renee

The two fitness enthusiasts even worked out together and inspired many with their romance-filled fitness videos.

WATCH: Sushmita Sen romances with boyfriend Rohman Shawl in couple photo shoot & internet falls in love with them!

From teaching her beau to say "I Love You" in bengali.. to her 43rd Birthday celebration together.. to Rohman participating as Alisah's father in a sports day race at her school... The two have shared a whole world in the past 10 months together.

What the latest Insta-stories by Rohman were all about, is not clear though but we can only hope that it indeed is just a minor lover's tiff and they overcome it very soon.

Here are some of their latest pics-videos from the Rajeev Sen-Charu Asopa's wedding Goa: