New Delhi: ‘Adipurush’ continues to court controversy even with a weekend post release. The Kriti Sanon, Prabhas starrer now has another organised body opposing it. The All India Cine Workers Association wrote to Prime Minister Narendra Modi, requesting him to "stop screening the movie and immediately order a ban of #Adipurush screening in the theatres and OTT platforms in the future.
The All India Cine Workers Association wrote a letter addressed to PM Modi which said, “Their letter read, " This Movies screenplay and dialogues are clearly defaming the Image of Lord Ram and Lord Hanuman. Adipruush Movie is Hurting religious Sentiments of Hindus and Sanatan Dharma.
“Prabhu Shri Ram is God for everyone in India no matter what religious faith one comes from, this Movie Depicts lord Ram and even Ravan who looks like a Character of a video game, with dialogues hurting every Indian in the country and across the Globe. We request Hon'ble Prime Minister Narendra Modi ji order to stop screening this Movie and immediately order a Ban of Adipruush Screening in the Theatres and OTT platforms in the Future." The letter read.
The body even asked for an FIR to be registered against 'Adipurush' director Om Raut and writer Manoh Muntasir Shukla besides also the producers of the movie for having hurt religious sentiments.
The AICWA also alleged in the letter that actors Kriti Sanon, Prabhas and Saif Ali Khan should not have been part of such a 'disgraceful movie ever made in the history of Indian cinema'. Calling it a 'complete disaster of our faith', the organized body signed off their letter.
Om Raut's 'Adipurush' has faced widespread criticism, protests, and bans, resulting in a massive decline in its box office performance. On Monday, the film managed to collect only Rs. 20 crores at the box office. On its first weekend, the collections closed at Rs. 340 crores.