We are talking about a buffed and chiselled Akshay Kumar with a man-bun to boot — and that’s just Dishoom’s first look of the actor. Yes, you read it right! Akshay is making a cameo in the Varun-John-Jacqueline Fernandez-Akshaye Khanna film. Akshay kumar comes riding a jet-ski and by his own admission, and has bun on the top. Just going by the look alone, we give full marks to the makers of Dishoom for trying something new.
Akshay tweeted his look, saying, “A cameo I had a ball shooting.Wishing all the luck to my friends Sajid,John,Varun & Jacky!Pack a punch with #Dishoom.” The actor is also readying for his next release, Rustom, which will release in August.