The trailer of Akshay Kumar, Ileana D Cruz & Esha Gupta starrer ‘Rustom’ has released today. The movie's tagline is intriguing as it reads, '' shots that shocked the nation and changed his life!'' Playing a Navy officer in the film, the “Airlift” star also dons a moustache for the role of a Parsi character Rustom Pavri.

The trailer seems promising and Akshay is set to continue his Box office success with Rustam. The movie is slated for a 12 August release.

Watch the Trailer below:

A dashing naval officer, a beautiful wife and a perfect world. This was Naval Commander Rustom Pavri's life. Three fatal shots change their lives. Based on true events, Rustom is a gripping tale about Pride, Passion and Power, and a man who must his uphold his own integrity and that of the nation. The thriller, which marks the directorial debut of Tinu Suresh Desai, has been produced by Neeraj Pandey, who has earlier worked with Akshay in “Special 26” and “Baby”.