Akshay took to his Twitter and share his first look with Bhumi Pednekar by captioning, ‘With the wrap of @ToiletTheFilm treating you guys to a still from the film...Keshav and Jaya's unique love story coming to you on June 2 :)’
It also stars 'Dum Laga Ke Haisha' actress Bhumi Pednekar in lead role and Anupam Kher who will be sharing the silver screen 20th time with Akshay.
Film is directed by Shree Narayan singh and scheduled to release on June 2 this year.
The movie is about PM Narendra Modi's 'Swachh Bharat Abhiyan'. It is a satirical comedy genre film based on the unhygienic conditions in the rural areas of India.
(Photo- Facebook page of the movie)