A post on the official Twitter handle of the film, read: "'Toilet- Ek Prem Katha', starring Akshay Kumar and Bhumi Pednekar, to release worldwide on June 2, 2017. 'Toilet- EPK', a love story with a satirical flavour is directed by Shree Narayan Singh."
Bhumi even retweeted the post for her fans, and wrote: "Hey guys, big news."
CHECK OUT: Akshay Kumar & Bhumi Pednekar’s SELFIE with a Toilet as they start shooting for ‘Toilet Ek Prem Katha’; Inside PICS from sets!
The film will be produced by Aruna Bhatia, Plan C Studios and Abundantia, and presented by Viacom18 Motion Pictures and KariArj Entertainment. It will be the first time that Akshay will be in the same frame with the "Dum Laga Ke Haisha" famed star Bhumi for a movie.
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