New Delhi: Akshay Kumar’s spy-thriller movie ‘Bell Bottom’ has become the first film in the world to start and finish its shooting during the pandemic. While Khiladi Kumar of Bollywood has a number of other projects lined up, he decided to move ahead with Jackky Bhagnani’s next production venture ‘Bell Bottom’. ALSO READ| 'Bell Bottom' Becomes First Film In The World To Start And Finish Shooting During Covid-19 Pandemic
The whole cast of the movie including Huma Qureshi, Vaani Kapoor, Lara Dutta and other cast and crew members of ‘Bell Bottom’ travelled to UK to wrap up their shooting schedule amid the COVID-19 pandemic.
Without much issue, the team of ‘Bell Bottom’ have completed their shooting schedule in UK and according to a report based on a leading entertainment portal, the makers are planning to unveil the promo on October 4.
A source told PinkVilla, “The Bell Bottom team has decided to launch a 1-minute long teaser for the audiences. They have already cut out the promo, but they are giving finishing touches to the same. The plan is to unveil the promo on October 4, but there could be a day or two-delay in the music and editing. But the Bell Bottom teaser is definitely releasing in the first week of October. It won't reveal much about the film but just give the viewer an experience of what to expect from the film. It was Akshay and Jackky's idea to launch a teaser almost six months away from its release.”
Directed by Ranjit M Tewari, ‘Bell Bottom’ is based on the plane hijacks which happened back in the 1980s. The hijacks took India by a storm and Akshay Kumar can be seen portraying the role of a spy. The movie is slated to hit the screens on April 2, 2021.
‘Bellbottom’ is being produced by Vashu Bhagnani, Jackky Bhagnani, Deepshikha Deshmukh, Monisha Advani, Madhu Bhojwani and Nikkhil Advani.
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Akshay Kumar’s ‘Bell Bottom’ Teaser To Be Unveiled On October 4?
ABP News Bureau
Updated at:
02 Oct 2020 01:50 PM (IST)
Directed by Ranjit M Tewari, ‘Bell Bottom’ is based on the plane hijacks which happened back in the 1980s. Read on.
(Image: Instagram)
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