New Delhi: Akshay Kumar recently has been talked about of the incident when his bodyguard slapped a fan who was waiting outside the Mumbai airport to catch a glimpse of the star. Reportedly the fan was trying to take a picture with the star when the incident took place. Everyone was puzzled as to why he did that because he usually never loses his temper.

Akshay was not aware of the scene as he was whisked away from the scene.

Well, Akshay was made aware of what all happened and then later replied in the form of an apology.

This is what he had to say:

What happened that day was unfortunate and uncalled for. I was at the airport and I heard a commotion which made me turn around, I didn't notice anything wrong so I walked on. It was later brought to my notice that my bodyguard had punched a fan. I have reprimanded him and given him a strict warning for the same. My sincere apology to the fan who was hurt. I hold my fans in the highest regard and such incidents are always upsetting. I will ensure such a scenario is avoided in the future.