New Delhi: Aishwarya Rai Bachchan, along with darling daughter Aaradhya and mother Brinda Rai, attended the first Women in Film and Television (WIFT) India Award. At the ceremony - established to honour the best female talent in Bollywood and Hollywood - the actor was bestowed with the inaugural Meryl Streep Award for Excellence. The 'Fanney Khan' star looked stunning in a black-and-golden gown as she accepted the award.

The 44-year-old later took to Instagram to celebrate her win and shared pictures with the trophy in her hand and Aaradhya by her side.

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In another post, she can be seen posing, both with her mom and daughter.

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Apart from the 'Ae Dil Hai Mushkil' star, director Zoya Akhtar and 'Dhadak' star Janhvi Kapoor, among others, were also honoured at the event.

WIFT India is part of WIFT International, a network which promotes professional development and achievement for women in the film industry, video, and other screen-based media.