Priyanka Chopra is all set to tie the knot with her fiance Nick Jonas next month in Jodhpur. The ‘Quantico’ actress was yesterday in Delhi where she was shooting for her film ‘The Sky Is Pink’ and now she has jetted off to Paris with her mother Madhu Chopra. Madhu was snapped by paparazzi when she was in Jodhpur to check the prepartions for NickYanka’s wedding in December. The mother-daughter duo is currently in France’s capital where they are having a gala time.
PeeCee took to her Instagram stories to share a couple of pictures from her Paris trip. Priyanka and Madhu are twinning in a trench coat and their style statement is on point. Check the pictures right here!
(Source- Instagram)
(Source- Instagram)
Madhu, while talking to reporters in Jodhpur, opened up about selecting Jodhpur as the wedding destination for her daughter. Priyanka and Nick will be getting married at Umaid Bhawan and the preparations are going on in full swing. It will be a big fat Indian wedding for the celebrity couple with all the rituals like mehendi, sangeet and haldi.
Woah! Priyanka Chopra-Nick Jonas’ wedding pictures sold for THIS whopping amount?
The wedding shenanigans for our ‘Desi girl’ started with a grand bridal shower followed a bachelorette party. Nick Jonas’ friends and brother also hosted a bachelors' party for the ‘Jealous’ singer.
Priyanka, who recently joined hands with Facebook India for a live event called #SocialForGood, became the first Indian celebrity to cross the 30 million followers mark on Instagram.
Nick Jonas opens up about having diabetes since the age of 13!
Watch this space for more updates!
Ahead of her wedding with Nick Jonas, Priyanka Chopra CHILLS out with mom Madhu Chopra in Paris (SEE PICS)
ABP News Bureau
Updated at:
18 Nov 2018 10:42 PM (IST)
Ahead of her wedding with Nick Jonas, Priyanka Chopra CHILLS out with mom Madhu Chopra in Paris (SEE PICS)
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