New Delhi: It seems like the issue of loudspeakers for Azaan does not seem to die down.

After actor-singer Suchitra Krishnamoorthi tweeted recently, complaining about 'ear shattering call' for azaan, many more have reacted to her controversial tweets.

The tweet evoked angry reactions, with Samajwadi Party's Abu Azmi saying, "Such irresponsible comments have been made in the past also. I am unable to understand what kind of people they are. I would like to know how does azaan, which otherwise purifies you on hearing, bother her. May be her sleep is more important."

But, Krishnamoorthi is in no mood to stop and has went on to answer him back.

She tweeted, "Extreme religiousity dumbs and dwarfs the mind & restricts free thought. Applicable to all religions."

She also posted a quote from Galileo, which read, "I do not believe that the same God who has endowed us with sense, reason, and intellect has intended us to forgo their use. Galileo Galilei."

While replying to one of the users, she also shared that law is "repeatedly" broken for 'Azaan' as loudspeakers are not allowed between 10 pm to 6 am, but police and authorities turn a blind eye.

The actress also posted a screenshot of a verse from Quran, which stated that "one should remember their lord by their tongue and within themselves."

Meanwhile, not just politicians, celebs too have joined in the debate.

Showing her displeasure, jewellery designer Farah Khan Ali tweeted, "My dear,I normally wuld not comment but yr description of d Azaan tht annoys u speaks lowly of u.U culd hav had more dignity in yr comment. (sic)"

Suchitra struck a conciliatory note, saying that she did indeed got carried away. "And yes i agree my words were too strong. Its the writer & dramatist in me - i get carried away."

In April this year, singer Sonu Nigam courted controversy over the azaan issue. Nigam had earlier griped over the use of loudspeakers for azaan, calling it "forced religiousness".

Following a storm of protests, he had shaved his head in protest after a fatwa (religious edict) and Rs. 10 lakh reward was announced by a Muslim leader for his scalp.