New Delhi: On Tuesday, the Uttar Pradesh government announced that the newly released film ‘The Kerala Story’ will be exempt from tax across the state. Uttar Pradesh is the second state to make the controversial movie tax-free, after Madhya Pradesh. Earlier today, UP Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath made took to Twitter to announce the same.
The chief minister's secretariat said that a special screening of the film will be held in Lok Bhawan for Adityanath and his cabinet members.
Deputy Chief Minister Brajesh Pathak responded to the UP government's decision by saying, ‘The Kerala Story’ tax-free is a very good decision. I want the people of Uttar Pradesh to watch this film and understand how our sisters have suffered. We will also go and watch the film. The people in West Bengal will not accept the ban on this film.”
The Bharatiya Janata Party has supported the film, and Prime Minister Narendra Modi even made reference to it during a campaign event in Karnataka.
The film's depiction of females being forcibly converted in order to be recruited by the terrorist organisation Islamic State has caused a political uproar.
The film directed by Sudipto Sen was banned by the government of West Bengal on Monday.
The BJP has criticised the Mamata-led government for banning the film in West Bengal. Union minister Anurag Thakur said, “Their (opposition) face is getting exposed… By banning the film (The Kerala Story), West Bengal is committing injustice. Recently, only, a girl was raped and murdered in Bengal...what are you ( Mamata Banerjee) getting by standing up for such terrorists…”
Many prominent political figures have voiced strong objections to the film, calling it 'propaganda'.
ALSO READ: West Bengal Government Bans The Kerala Story To 'Avoid Any Incident Of Hatred And Violence'