We got a deja vu feel when Salman Khan shared yet another video that looked similar to the one from July 2016 when the Superstar Mamu was playing around with his munchkin bhaanja throwing punches at him singing the 'Sultan' title track and the mere 4 months old baby just smiled their lying in his Mommy Arpita Khan Sharma's lap.

Watch old video shared by Daddy Aayush Sharma a year ago on 4th July 2016 below: 

Well, 10 months have passed now and born on 30th March 2016, Ahil is now 1 year 2 months old and he is more active and certainly capable of giving better reactions to people as is evident in this new video Salman shared last night with him.

Salman Khan’s nephew Ahil Sharma visits ‘Tubelight’ sets in Manali; FRESH PICS!

While Sohail holds Ahil in his arms, the baby with his eyes glowing is attended to by his Uncle Salman during Tubelight trailer launch. Well, it was around the time when fans were gathered outside Galaxy apartments and the trailer[Watch trailer here!] had just released creating a storm on social media.

Both the brothers and co-actors of 'Tubelight', Salman and Sohail were wearing T-shirts with the film's name printed on them and Salman recreates the 10 months old moments with his nephew, only this time it was an 'equal' fight!

Singing along, the same 'Sultan' title song, Salman tries to hit Ahil in jest but given it back this time and not once! Saying "Aah..aah" Mamu takes the adorable beating while Ahil's chuckles showering punch after punch at him.. stole our heart!

Watch the video shared by Salman below:

Awww! Ain't that super cute?

And if the Mama-Bhanja duo continue with this adorable trend in the years to follow, this shall certainly make for a good video string or a time lapse video like the viral ones we see on social media!

What do you have to say about the adorable video, do let us know by writing in comments section below!