New Delhi: The trailer of Prabhas, Saif Ali Khan, and Kriti Sanon starrer 'Adipurush’ was released on Tuesday. Directed by Om Raut and produced by Bhushan Kumar, the film will release on June 16. The trailer was first screened for a few fans in Hyderabad, followed by a grand launch event in Mumbai.
The teaser of the film was trolled due to its poor Vfx and Ravan’s (Saif Ali Khan) look. The film's release was postponed after the audience's feedback to fine-tune the visuals and VFX.
The trailer reflects the work done in the visuals and is far better than the teaser. The trailer opens with a narration from Hanuman, who takes us through the story we have all grown up listening to and watching. The trailer shows very little of Saif Ali Khan as Ravan. Kriti Sanon looks perfect as Sita.
The trailer was launched in a multiplex in Mumbai, where fans dressed in ethnic wear walked in holding saffron flags and chanted the name of Lord Ram, who is essayed by Prabhas in the film. They also chanted "Shri Ram Lakshman Janki, Jai Hanuman ki" (Lord Ram, Lakshman and Sita, all hail Lord Hanuman).
The film features Prabhas as Lord Ram, Kriti Sanon as goddess Sita, Sunny Singh as Lakshman and Saif Ali Khan as Raavan.
'Adipurush' had courted controversy in October 2022 after the first teaser of the movie was heavily criticised on social media for the quality of visual effects as well as its depiction of Hindu deities.
It was also slammed for the apparent Islamisation of Lankesh, played by Saif, as the demon king was seen sporting a beard and buzz cut. The row prompted the makers to push the movie's release date from January to June 2023.
"Getting those five-six months extra was very important for us. We gave that time to our visual effects studios to make their work better," Raut told PTI in an interview.
"Challenges are always there but that will only make our cinema better and journey stronger. Especially with a film like this, which is a first of its kind in India, as we have used technology that is seen in big Hollywood films like Marvels, DC and 'Avatar', ” he added.
Before its theatrical debut, the movie will have its world premiere at the 2023 Tribeca Film Festival in New York.