The ongoing Hrithik Roshan and Kangana Ranaut controversy has been hitting headlines over the past few days and now Bollywood celebs are coming in support of Roshan Jr. A day after Hrithik's industry friends, Goldie Behel, Sanjay Gupta and ex wife Sussanne openly supported him Kangana's ex boyfriend and son of popular TV actor Shekhar Suman, Adhyayan made shocking revelations about the 'Queen' actress.
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In an exclusive interview to DNA Adhyayan Suman gave some chilling secrets about his former girlfriend Kangana Ranaut and her obsession for Hrithik!
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And Adhyayan in a candid interview, speaks about the relationship, subsequent break-up and Hrithik Roshan. Here are some of the revelations made by Suman:
In this Hrithik-Kangana legal battle, with whom do your sympathies lie?
With Hrithik. I felt a sense of déjà vu as I could identify completely with what’s happening to him. I can understand the pain that he is going through. I have been there. It’s not about physical pain, but how emotionally tortured you feel. I feel like now, I have to speak for people to know the truth. I thought about it a lot in the last 24 hours, since you first called me. But then I decided to talk. I am not doing this to hamper Kangana’s career or stardom as she might feel. I just feel that you should not try to make yourself sound innocent at someone else’s expense. There are other people who have suffered too, for a very long time emotionally and in their respective careers and they weren’t able to move on because she created a perception for them which was fake. Today, I have come out of it. I want people to know that this is my last interview on her. I beg people to not link me to her ever again. My speaking out is coming from a very emotional space and I don’t want to go there again. It’s taken me a lot of effort to come out of this and now I am on the brink of a new beginning and a beautiful life from now on. The news channels are talking about me and Kangana again. You know how reluctant I was to talk on this as I felt that even if I speak, would people believe me.
What made you change your mind?
In Jashn, there’s a dialogue: Zillat ki itni baarish ho chuki hai hum par, ke ab hum kuch dhool se gaye hai... Aur waise bhi ek bheega hua aadmi barsaat se kyon darein? Today, I have nothing to lose. The fact is, I feel bad for Hrithik. The experience of going through something like this is harrowing.
I hope the truth comes out. My sympathies are majorly with him and his family. I can imagine what they must be going through. I am not taking sides or saying that he’s right and she’s wrong, but I feel someone should speak up for Hrithik. It doesn’t come from a space where I will be doing a film with him tomorrow (laughs) and I am sure neither is he going to produce my film, but this is for people who will start commenting on social media — I don’t want anything from Hrithik. I want to work hard on my own.
Was it tough moving on?
My father always told me to forgive and move on. Today, I am happy she’s done well for herself, but if you’d asked me earlier if I was happy for her success, I would have said no, as I was going through too much then. It’s only human. I was down in the dumps. Today, I am a new person. I am grateful to God and my parents because of whom I’ve met a friend who is the nicest person that I have ever met. This is the most beautiful phase of my life.
What was the first shock that you got?
It was during the shooting of Kites. She got friendly with Hrithik and his wife. There were occasional dinners with them and I went for a few. Hrithik had invited Kangana for his birthday and he called me also. I brought flowers and an expensive champagne. We were sitting and talking when Hrithik walked in. She cut me abruptly, picked up my flowers and champagne and handed it to him saying, “Happy birthday! This is from me for you.” She didn’t even introduce me. She started networking and I was left alone with a drink in my hand. I was feeling really upset and left and I got a little high. One moment she made me feel loved and then in the next, it was like I was a nobody in her life! I was standing at the bar alone when Kangana walked up to me said some actor at the party was trying to grab her a**. I felt protective towards her but I was at someone’s house and creating a scene would be rude so I told her, ‘Let’s go.’ She went back to doing her thing. Later she came and told me let’s go right now. I was walking down the stairs with her, when she turned around and slapped me! She said, “Mother Fu***, behen****! Bh*sd*ke! You are f***** jealous of my success!” The intensity of the slap was so hard I was almost crying. That was the first time she got violent.
To be continued...
Click to READ PART 2 of the interview!