New Delhi: Abhishek Bachchan has posted a heartfelt wish for his 'little princess' Aaradhya as she turned a year older today. On the occasion of her seventh birthday, the 'Manmarziyaan' star called Aaradhya the "pride and joy" of the entire family and also wished that she remains the "ever smiling" girl that she is. Abhishek took to social media to pen his thoughts.

Abhishek-Aishwarya with daughter Aaradhya (Photo: Instagram)

Aishwarya Rai’s daughter Aaradhya Bachchan and Aamir Khan’s son Azad as Sita & Ram for school play!

"Happy birthday little princess! You are the pride and joy of the family. I pray you remain the ever smiling, innocent and loving girl that you are. Love you with all my heart," the 42-year-old wrote alongside a picture of Aaradhya and wife Aishwarya Rai Bachchan with him.

Check out his post below:

Diwali 2018: Bachchan family Amitabh, Aishwarya, Aaradhya, Jaya burn crackers together!

One of the most loved couples of Bollywood, Abhi-Aish - who tied the knot in April, 2007 - welcomed their bundle of joy, Aaradhya in 2011.

Apart from Abhishek, Bollywood's Shehenshah Amitabh Bachchan also wrote special words for his granddaughter on the blog.

Not just on her birthdays, the Bachchan-clan, from time-to-time, shares heartwarming pictures of Aaradhya on their respective social media handles. The little one is also often seen travelling with mommy Aishwarya on various events in and outside the country.