New Delhi: In his early years in the film industry, Anurag Kashyap stated that Abhishek "was very brattish." In a recent interview, the director shared his experience working with the actor. He also recalled filming for ‘Yudh’ with Amitabh Bachchan in the same interview, adding that he "takes criticism well."

"We (Abhishek and Anurag) worked together on Yuva. I wrote the dialogues for that film. My brother was also an AD on it, and we worked quite a bit with Abhishek on the dubbing of that film as well... He’s a very hard-working person. He’s cultured, loves food. But he was very brattish in the beginning. He’d make fun of everything, not take things seriously. But people grow, and he grew. That Abhishek and the Abhishek I worked with on Manmarziyaan are two entirely different people," Anurag Kashyap said in an interview with The Lallantop.

'Yuva' and 'Manmarziyaan' are two films on which Anurag Kashyap collaborated with Abhishek. During their first film, according to Anurag, the actor "did not take things seriously." But he stated that the Abhishek he worked with in 'Manmarziyaan' was "entirely different." 

Further, into the interview, the director mentioned Amitabh Bachchan and recounted the actor's response to being asked to reduce the level of Amitabh Bachchan-ness in his 'Yudh' performance. 

"He takes criticism well. I noticed that he was delivering a typical Amitabh Bachchan-style performance, and I wanted something more real, and this is what I told him," Anurag said.

On 'Yudh', Anurag Kashyap worked as the creative director. Actors Sarika, Zakir Hussain, Mona Wasu, Nawazuddin Siddiqui, and Kay Kay Menon also starred in the film.

'Almost Pyaar with DJ Mohabbat', the most recent film helmed by Anurag Kashyap, was released on February 3. Alaya F and debutante Karan Mehta both starred in the musical romantic drama.